What is possible for you? What are you capable of? What have you learned to expect from Life? What do you believe about the world and how you fit into it?
And – what if all of this was wrong?
You are more powerful than you believe. You have more capacity than you know. You have more ability than you have explored. You are greater than you believe. And the world is waiting for you.
Trying to fix what is ‘broken’ about themselves and the world, Men end up striving for symbols of success. At best, the result is dissatisfaction. At worst, toxic masculinity continues to destroy and dehumanize, wreaking havoc within individual lives, relationships, societies and challenges our very survival on this planet.
What if nothing was broken?
Becoming a ‘Man on Purpose’ is a fundamental shift into playing a bigger game, on your own terms, realizing yourself as the unique, authentic and powerful contribution you are here to be. From ‘on Purpose‘ you get to have, be and experience what you want in life, because you say so!
Man on Purpose™ is an evolving set of programs, rooted in the Foundations Training. It consists of structured personal study materials reinforced by group- and one-on-one Coaching. These programs are designed to replace a limited view of Masculinity with one rooted in a deep experience of personal Authenticity, Integrity, and Power.
This work is not easy; it is a fundamental re-invention and re-orientation towards life. Resistance is expected – and is welcome. Consider that playing a game – a Life – that is not ultimately fulfilling is also not easy. Especially at the end…
I invite you to take your life on; take the 21-day Foundations Training program and empower the journey to your highest and greatest self. The intention is nothing less than becoming the man our dependents, our partners, our world, and we ourselves have been waiting for…
This program brings together deep insights, effective tools, and practices that cut through to the core of your being. Integrating and mastering these skills will remove the reasons why you cannot have the life you dream of. Instead, they will enable you to experience and create a deeply fulfilling Life, unleashing your authentic Masculine birthright.
The world has been waiting for you.
Click here to download a sample chapter.